
Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

“Kawagoe” is an emotional city that has an authentic Japanese atmosphere with a brewery townscape. If you take a walk while looking at the city, you can feel as if you were back in time during the Edo period.

Do you know that there are spots where you can play as a ninja in Koedo, Kawagoe?

The name is “shinobi-shinobi-kurodaya” (hereinafter “Kurodaya” ).You can become a ninja wearing black costumes and experience ninja techniques such as blowing arrows and shuriken.

Recently, I went to Kurodaya with my companion. I enjoyed it for a little less than an hour, so I will report on our experience!

Writer: Kashimin




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Kawagoe's Ninja Mansion Ninja Experience at Kuroda-ya!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

About 15 minutes on foot from Honkawagoe Station, there is Kurodaya in a pastel yellow building. 3 minutes walk from Kawagoe's classic sightseeing spot “Toki no Kane” and 3 minutes walk from “Kashiya Yokocho”.

Because it is in a prosperous area, it is a spot that makes it easy to stop by after sightseeing.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

When you go upstairs to the second floor of the building,

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

There is a reception on the right-hand side.

First, choose a course at the ticket machine!

There is a ticket vending machine next to the reception desk. You can purchase a ticket for the desired course.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

There are 4 types of ninjutsu. There are beginner-level "Shuriken Throw", intermediate level "Blowing Arrow", advanced "Sword Shuriken Throw" and expert "Kunai Throw". The price changes depending on the number of times you throw.

If you are new to Ninjutsu (though most people maybe), it is recommended that you get used to throwing shuriken from beginners.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

If you want to become a complete ninja while experiencing various ninja techniques, you should choose the course.

There are two types of courses.

  • "Ninja Course" ... Three types of attractions, ninja costumes, commemorative photoshoot, drink included
  • “Complete ninja conquest course” … Three types of attractions ・ Explanation of ninja tools placed in the store ・ Commemorative photoshoot (original frame) ・ninja chips and drink

This time, we decided to try the “Complete ninja conquest course.” Let's change into ninja costumes!

Changing into a ninja costume is pretty exciting!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

All ninja costume sets can be rented, so you can have the staff prepare the costumes and change clothes in the changing room.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

The changing room is full of authentic costumes. It’s exciting how detailed they are with getas and wigs!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

The staff is ready to you how to put the outfits on and your READY TO GO!!

My assistant Kubo-kun is trying the “Complete ninja conquest course.” this time. He says “Because this is my first time to become a ninja, I will do my become a real ninja!”

After changing clothes, it's time to start an attraction experience!

3 types of attractions that can be played with ninja tools

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Kuroda-san, an uncle ninja, has taught us ninjutsu. Everything from ninja knowledge to how to use the tools will be taught carefully, so even those who are experiencing this for the first time will be able to master it immediately.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

▲From left, Kunai, Swords, Blow Arrows, Shuriken

With the  “Complete ninja conquest course.”, you can choose 3 different attractions from the4 of "Shuriken Throw", "Blow Arrow", "Stick Shuriken Throw" and "Kunai Throw". This time, we chose “Shuriken Throw”, “Blow Arrow” and “Kunai Throw”.

First, challenge- “Shuriken Throw”!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

The first challenge is throwing a shuriken. Shuriken throwing is the simplest of the four attractions and can be challenged from 3-4 years old.

The real shuriken is pointed and dangerous, but the shuriken used in Kurodaya is safe and harmless. To prevent the shuriken from coming out of your hand, hold one corner firmly with your fingers.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Uncle ninja gives you an advice saying “Let’s throw from above. It ’s easier to control and more powerful.”

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Aiming at the target pasted on the tatami mat, release the shuriken with great force. I had a hard time struggling because the shuriken wouldn't stab the tatami if I didn't hit the tatami straight and vertically.

The result of throwing 12 shurikens are.......

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

5 shurikens stubbed into tatami! (although they did not hit the target, quite hard……!)

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

It was quite a good result, so I received a shuriken throwing certificate!

Next is the “Blow allow”!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

The next challenge is called “Fukiya” ( blowing arrow ). The point is to hold the mouthpiece part firmly and support it with your hands so that air does not escape.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

We will break the balloons attached to a large straw puppet.

With the tip of the blowing arrow pointing at the target, blow out with a breath.The refreshing sound of breaking the balloon “paaaa-----n!” can be addictive.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Keep going without missing any balloons, then we add more balloons, all spot on!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Kubo-kun hit the last balloon with no hiccup, “the last one is quite difficult as it’s small” Perfect! Kubo-kun seems to be very good at blowing arrow.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

He got a certificate of blowing arrows too!

The last attraction is “Kunai Throw”!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

The last part of the attraction is “Kunai Throw”. A ninja tool like a pointed knife is called "Kunai".

When you write Kunai in kanji 苦無, it contains the meaning of no suffering. “If you have one, it is all-purpose and it means  you do ‘not’ ‘suffer’.”

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

It looks harmful but its made not to harm anyone.

There are various ways of throwing, but the recommendation of uncle ninja is to “hold the pointed angle, then rotate it as you throw from above”. Apparently it is easier to add power and control!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Kunai throwing is an attraction that throws kunai and breaks the balloons attached to the tatami. In order to apply power and control, trial and error, such as how to put power and the angle of the arm,  but it is so difficult to hit!

Kunai is difficult to master, so even a veteran uncle ninja won't win much.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

After many trials and errors, he managed to break all the balloons with helpful advice from uncle ninja.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

We received a certificate of Kunai! A feeling of accomplishment and a desire to master it!

Listen to the explanation of the tool and deepen your knowledge of ninja!

After enjoying the attractions to the fullest, you will be asked to explain the ninja tools displayed in the store.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

This is "Ninja sword". It is characterized by a different shape from the sword used by Samurai. Samurai swords have warped blades, while Ninja swords are made straight.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

When climbing high walls, ninja stood with their sword up against the wall and hooked their feet there. I see a ninja sword wasn’t just used for fighting!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

This is “Nunchaku Chain”. Used it for fighting as a blade or like an ax, or as a heavy chain.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

This is “Rake”. It is a ninja tool that you can use as shown in the photo. You can climb a high wall instead of using your nails, or you can scratch your opponent in a fight.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Ninja tool "Shuriken" was used in the attractions. If you are speaking of ninjas, the majority of people would imagine shuriken? That’s right!  As you can see it is an indispensable tool for ninjas.

A real shuriken is sharp and dangerous, but even when it’s thrown at the opponents, they won't be killed. However, what ninjas are doing is rubbing the poison avoiding the parts where ninjas hold. When stabbed, the poison goes around in the body, causing life-threatening fatal wounds.

It is quite dangerous but I was impressed, “Ninja are very clever and smart”.

Remembering the day when you became a ninja! "Commemorative photo"

After becoming knowledgeable with the ninja tools, it’s time to shoot a “commemorative photo” to remember the fun times.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

The shooting is held in a  fine setting with Japanese swords and kabuto.

You can choose a Japanese sword from the set or select your favorite ninja tools in the store. There are a lot of props you can use to shoot, so please choose your favorite.

Please don’t worry for those who might think “I’m not too sure how to pose because I’m not used to photos shoots!”

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Uncle Ninja will teach you a cool ninja pose.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Shoot some photos with different props and finish! View the data then let's choose photo to be printed.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Once you decide which photo to print, Uncle ninja will give you your gift in an original frame.

The photo of you as a real ninja, will remind you of a valuable experience that you can't usually do.

The frame is cool and black! It makes you want to display in your room.

Break time with drink and ninja chips!

After taking a commemorative photo, sadly, it’s time to get changed and say sayonara to the ninja costume. Putting plain clothes back on and then its time to take a break.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Those who have experienced the “Complete ninja conquest course.” you will receive a complimentary soft drink and ninja chips.

After exerting so much energy during the attraction, Enjoy coffee, and refreshing Soda.  Ninja chips are crispy and have poppy texture, so you can't stop eating them!!

Kawagoe is famous for its sweet potatoes. Sweets using sweet potatoes are sold in various places in the city. You can eat sweet candy at Kurodaya. The slight sweetness is elegant!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

In-store drinks and food are also available. Soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, and even bubble tea!!

Snacks such as “miso konnyaku” and “squid baked” are also sold, so it is also recommended for the of dads and moms who came to play with their children.

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Souvenirs such as “Shuriken Magnet” and “Ninja Folding Fan” are also available. There are many practical goods available, so please check it out.

Become real ninjas at Kurodaya, and make memories of sightseeing in Kawagoe!

Authentic Ninja experience at Ninja house “Kurodaya” in Koedo, Kawagoe! Children are welcome to enjoy as well

Kurodaya-  Where you can become a real ninja, experience the attractions with real ninja tools and a photoshoot in a fine authentic setting.

“Those who want to experience something rare in Koedo, Kawagoe” why not come for a visit and have a lasting memory?

\ NO.1 “Complete ninja conquest course. /

Access to Kurodaya

  • JR Tobutojyo line “Kawagoe station” or Seibushinjyuku line “Honkawagoe station”,  get on Tobu bus from either, get off at ”Fudanotsuji” or “Shiyakushomae”,1-2 minutes on foot from bus stops
  • ●   15 minutes on foot from “Honkawagoe station” on Seibushinjyuku line

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