「石原のささら獅子舞」は、3頭の獅子たちが日本古来の楽器「ささら」の音に合わせて力強く舞い踊る、川越の民俗芸能のひとつです。 今回はそのレクチャー講演会に参加してきました。
The Kita-in Temple is a popular Kawagoe tourist attraction and a soothing spot for locals. Things like the Gohyaku Rakan (500 statues of Rakan), "Iemitsu tanjo no ma" (the room where Iemitsu Tokugawa was born) and the "Kasuga-no-tsubone keshou no ma" (the ...
テレビなどで紹介され、毎朝お店の前に長蛇の列ができている「生」食パン専門店「乃が美」。 リピーターも多いという乃が美の食パンの魅力とは、いったい何なのでしょうか。 ※「生」食パンは乃が美の登録商標です。
On March 19th, 2018, a new Starbucks opened up on a corner in Kura-no-machi. This Japanese-style Starbucks respects the feeling, atmosphere and scenery of Kawagoe making it a bit different from other locations.
In TV shows that feature Kawagoe from time to time, most of the presenters walk around on foot. However, if you actually walk around the area, there is quite a distance between the tourist attractions. Some people don’t get to their destinations, and some ...